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ADVANCE Adaptation: CSU STEPS for Gender Equity: Advancing Structures through Evidence-based Practices for Gender Equity

Abstract: Colorado State University will tackle the significant nation-wide problem of inequity among faculty members in Science, Technology, Math and Engineering (STEM) disciplines. Specifically, this project aims to improve equity in recruitment, retention and promotion, with a focus on gender equity that recognizes the other types of cultural, ethnic, physical, and economic backgrounds people have. The work thus targets improved diversity in STEM disciplines. This problem is important because more diverse workforces are more effective at solving problems, and in a more just society, university faculty composition would reflect the availability of doctoral graduates without bias. This problem has not already been solved because inequities are complex and embedded into the history of US society and academia. It is not intractable, however, and through carefully executing projects, Colorado State aims to improve equity across the STEM faculty. To address inequities, the project team aims to adapt a number of evidence-based best practices to particular situations at Colorado State. The project targets four major changes. 1) A revised approach to recruiting new faculty. 2) Improved unit climates through training allies to intervene when they notice inequities. 3) Improved performance review processes with training and support for review committees. 4) Enhanced leadership through education in equity who are both empowered to and accountable for making change. The expected outcomes of the project activities are improved climate and culture for all, and improved recruitment and retention leading to greater equity and diversity in STEM units across campus.

Status: Current

PI: Ruth Hufbauer

Source of Funding: NSF

Funding Program: ADVANCE

Award Amount: 999,312.00

Start Date: 10/15/2021

End Date: 09/30/2024

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