Thank you for providing information on your education, outreach or engagement efforts to the CSU STEM Center. The purpose of this form is to document the STEM education, outreach, and engagement activities happening at CSU. The information you provide will help us create a searchable database for education and outreach programming on this CSU STEM Center website.
The purpose of the searchable database is to provide an organizational tool to document outreach happening at CSU for…
- Those in the community (e.g., teachers interested in having their students participate in the outreach effort, teachers inviting guest lecturers, parents of students looking for activities and resources for their children, organizations looking to fund outreach)
- Those at CSU (e.g., researchers looking for a partnership, collaborators looking to partner in practice, and other outreach programs looking for guidance)
- Those at SPUR (e.g., outreach coordinator planning collaborative programming, potential funders looking to engage through CSU’s partnership with SPUR, marketing specialists looking to highlight CSU programs)
Engagement activities can be as an individual (e.g., guest lecturing/ teaching / leading activities) or with a group (e.g., a formal or informal outreach program, funded or not funded)—we have intentionally used a broad definition. Below, please provide information on any projects that are happening currently or those that will likely happen in the future.