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The Cytonuclear Dimension of Allopolyploidy

One of the key realizations of the genomics era is that all plants, including our major crop plants, have histories of genome duplication in which the DNA content inside cells is doubled (polyploidy). Although much has been learned about the consequences of genome doubling in recent years, many fundamental questions remain regarding how genome duplication contributes to plant biology and crop productivity. An important dimension of genome duplication is how the now-doubled nuclear genome interacts with other genomic compartments found within the plant cell, such as the mitochondria and plastids. The planned research will investigate this underexplored aspect of genome duplications, with implications for how cellular energetics, which play a key role in growth, reproduction, and yield, are altered in the wake of genome doubling events. The research will use a diverse panel of important crop systems and state-of-the-art genomics techniques. Project resources, data, and personnel will be used to expand outreach and education programs, including an international workshop series on genomics and a long-term effort to provide high school teachers with an immersive experience in hands-on research and curricular development. The project will create training opportunities for participants across the full range of educational and career stages in both research and service-learning. In sum, this research aims to provide fundamental insights into genome interactions and crop biology and broaden participation in plant biological research. The CSU STEM Center serves as the evaluators for this project.

Status: Current

PI: Daniel Sloan

PI Institution: Colorado State University

Source of Funding: NSF

Funding Program: PGRP

Award Amount: $1,248,140

Start Date: 08/01/2018

End Date: 07/31/2021

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